like you’ve never
seen it before.


product blocker



product images
Amazon GlowUp is a Chrome plugin that makes look and work so much better. Say goodbye to ads, sponsored products, and other clutter. Say hello to faster and easier shopping.
With over 3,000 improvements, it’s time for a more modern and beautiful Amazon!

What customers are saying…

This is huge-grin-inducing, SO fun, and supremely cool!

What a refreshing take… Having a search experience free of sponsored products is reason alone to download this extension.

Really shines a light on how much better sites like these could be if companies truly prioritized customers.

Beautiful and functional without all of the heavy-handed cruft that’s accumulated over the years.

My god, this is amazing. There are so many obvious improvements that feel great.

I shop on Amazon almost every day and this makes it even easier and more enjoyable… so maybe I will be shopping even more. Ahh!
Ready for the full glowup?
Unlock all Amazon pages
Modern decluttered UI
Dark mode
Distraction-free mode
Remove sponsored products & ads
Bigger high-res product images
Choose your default search sort order
Weekly updates & new features

Try a FREE demo before you buy
Why not try a demo right now for free? Once you see how good Amazon shopping can be, you’ll never want to go back!
- 1
Visit the Chrome Webstore and click “Add to Chrome.” Desktop only. Mobile not supported, sorry.
- 2 Visit using Chrome and search for something.
- 3 Like what you see? Buy the full version to unlock all Amazon pages!
Short answer: No, because Chrome Extensions are desktop-only.
Longer answer: But even if they worked on mobile, I wouldn’t build a mobile version anyway. You see, Amazon’s website isn’t responsive. That’s developer-speak meaning that the desktop (laptop) and mobile (phone) versions of are actually completely different websites. There are whole pages and features on mobile that don’t exist on desktop and vice versa. Features found on both often look and behave completely differently. Why? Well, that’s another long answer, but it’s just how Amazon does things.
So to offer a mobile version I’d have to do double the work. And the kicker is that very few people visit in their phone web browser. Amazon mobile shoppers overwhelmingly use the app, not the website. So double the work for very few additional people and little additional value. Not worth it. If there was a way to make a Chrome Extension-like thing that changed Amazon’s mobile app I’d do it! But there’s not. So desktop only, now and forever.
Distraction-Free Mode is all about taking care of business. When enabled, Distraction Free Mode will simplify the site navigation and remove all ads, sponsored products, and product recommendations. Anything that doesn’t directly help you find what you’re looking for and buy it is out!
Because Distraction-Free Mode removes quite a bit of content that’s sometimes helpful, it’s not enabled by default. Turn on Distraction-Free Mode in your Amazon GlowUp options menu. (Find it in your browser’s toolbar or use the menu Window > Extensions)
I’m an indie developer, and this is how I pay my bills. I would love to make software and give it away for free, but such is life. (If you’re a wealthy noble-person who time-travelled here from the Renaissance looking for an artist to support, msg me!)
Redesigning one of the largest and most highly-trafficked websites in the world by myself takes a lot of work. And Amazon is daily updating, testing, and rolling out changes to the site, so I have to continuously monitor and update the software to keep up. It’s like a game of whack-a-mole with a billion moles. So your subscription helps support the frequent updates needed to keep Amazon GlowUp working. Thank you!
Amazon GlowUp is currently available in the following Amazon stores:
- US (
- Australia (
- Brazil (
- Canada (
- India (
- Italy (
- Germany (
- Japan (
- Mexico (
- Netherlands (
- Spain (
- UK (
Herculean determination. God-like patience. S-tier CSS ninja mastery. Over 3,200 lines of handwritten style overrides plus a sprinkling of JavaScript.